Our Java certification training course lets you master Java programming language. We provide the best online training classes to help you learn OOP concepts, J2EE, core and advanced Java, JDBC, Objects & Classes. Work on real world industry projects.
About Learn Java Course
This is comprehensive Training Course in Java Programming Language that will get you grow in your software coding career. This Course includes basics of Java, Java Statements, exception handling, Objects, Classes, understanding of JDBC and so on.
What you will learn in this Java Training Course?
- Learning programming and core Java concepts
- Introduction to Inheritance, Threads and Collections
- Deploy JDBC for connecting various applications
- Understand Method Overriding and Overloading
- Use Array and HashMap for storing dynamic data
- Create Threads in Java by Implementing Runnable Interface
- Work on live projects for hands-on experience
Who should take this Java Developer Training Course?
- Software Developers, Architects, Web Designers
- Students and professionals looking to be Java Developers
What are the prerequisites for taking this Java Training Course?
Anybody can take this Training Course to be a Java Developer.
Why should you take this Java Programming Training Course?
Java is a powerful general-purpose programming that is object-oriented. It is used widely for developing cutting-edge applications be it for the web or mobile platform. Since it is easy to learn, implement, compile and debug, it is finding much favour among some of the biggest software companies around the world. This Training Course can help you develop the right skills needed to be a qualified Java professional and get high-paying jobs in top MNCs. You can also work on the Hadoop framework or mobile development with Java and this is an added advantage of being a Java Developer.
ava Programming Course Content
Core Java Concepts
Introduction to Java Programming, Defining Java, Need for Java, Platform Independent in Java, Define JRE,JVM, JDK, Important Features and Evolution of Java
Writing Java Programs using Java Principles
Overview of Coding basics, Setting up the required environment, Knowing the available IDEs, Writing a Basic-level Java Program, Define Package, What are Java Comments?, Understanding the concept of Reserved Words, Introduction to Java Statements, What are Blocks in Java, Explain a Class, Different Methods
Language Conceptuals
Overview of the Language, Defining Identifiers, What are Constraints and Variables, What is an Encoding Set?, Concept of Separators, Define Primitives, How to make Primitive Conversions?, Various Operators in Java
Operating with Java Statements
Module Overview, Learn how to write If Statement, Understanding While Statement, Working with Do-while Statement, How to use For Statement?, Using Break Statement, What is Continue Statement, Working of Switch Statement
Concept of Objects and Classes
General Review of the Module, Defining Object and Classes in Java, What are Encapsulation, Static Members and Access Control?, Use and importance of ‘this’ Keyword, Deining Method Overloading with an example, ‘By Value’ vs. ‘By Reference’, Loading, Defining Initialization and Linking, How to Compare Objects in Java?, What is Garbage Collector?
Introduction to Core Classes
General Review, Concept of Object in Java, Define Core Class, What is System?, Explain String Classes, How do Arrays work?, Concept of Boxing & Unboxing, Use of ‘varargs’, ‘format’ and ‘printf’ Methods
Inheritance in Java
Introduction, Define Inheritance with an example, Accessibility concept, Method Overriding, Learning how to call a Superclass’ Constructor, What is Type Casting?, Familiarity with ’instanceof’ Keyword
Exception Handling in Detail
Getting started with exception Handling, Defining an Exception, How to use Constructs to deal with exceptions?, Classification of exceptions, Throw Exceptions, How to create an exception class?, stack Trace analysis
Getting started with Interfaces and Abstract Classes
General Review, Defining Interface, Use and Create and Interface, Concept of Extending interfaces, How to implement multiple interfaces?, What are abstract classes?, How to create and use abstract classes?, Comparison between interface and abstract classes, Concept of Nested Classes, What are Nested Classes?, Nested Classes Types, Working of an Inner Class, What is a Local Inner Class?, Anonymous Classes in java, What is a Static Nested Class
Overview of Nested Classes
What are Nested Classes?, Types of Nested Classes, What is an Inner Class?, Understanding local inner class, Anonymous Inner Class, Nested Class – Static
Getting started with Java Threads
What is a Thread?, How to create and start a Thread?, States of a Thread, Blocking the Execution of a Thread, Concept of Sleep Thread, Understanding the priorities in a thread, Synchronisation in Java Threads, Interaction between threads
Overview of Java Collections
Introduction to Collection Framework, Preeminent Interfaces, What are Comparable and Comparator?, Working with Lists, Working with Maps, Working with Sets, Working with Queues
Understanding JDBC
Define JDBC, Different types of Drivers, How to access the drivers?, What is Connection in Java?, What is a Statement?, Explaining CRUD Operations with examples, Prepared Statement and Callable Statement
Java Generics
Overview of important topics included, Important and Frequently-Used Features, Defining Generic List, What is Generic Map in Java?, Java Generic Classes & Methods, For Loop Generic, What is Generic Wild Card?
Input/Output in Java
Brief Introduction, Learning about Input and output streams in java, Concept of byte Oriented Streams, Defining Character Oriented Streams?, Explain Object Serialisation, Input and Output Based on Channel
Getting started with Java Annotations
Introduction and Definition of Annotations, How they are useful for Java programmers?, Placements in Annotations, What are Built-in Java Annotations, Defining Custom Annotations
Reflection and its Usage
Getting started, Define Java Reflection?, What is a Class Object?, Concept of Constructors, Using Fields, Applying Methods, Implementing Annotations in Your Java Program
Java Programming Project
Project – Library Management System
Problem Statement – It creates library management system project which includes following functionalities:
Add book, Add Member, Issue Book, Return Book, Available Book etc.
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